Jen's General Store Logo
Jen's General Store
113 W Main St
Morganfield, KY 42437
Tel: (270) 997-4002
Ky Proud Logo

About Us

Welcome to Jen’s General Store. I’m Jen and on behalf of my husband, Jerry, and the entire JGS team, thank you for stopping by. We’re excited you’re here!

Jen’s General Store, or the idea of it, began several years ago from a desire to bring a bit of our childhood back to our downtown. Our childhoods consisted of spending summer afternoons at the city pool, baseball and softball games at the park, riding our bikes all around town only to come home when the street lights came on, date nights at the drive-in, sledding down the big hill in front of the nursing home in winter and always, always ending up at one of the two old fashioned soda fountains in town for a lemon-on-ice (it’s a wonder we have any enamel left on our teeth), vanilla or cherry soda or an orange-ade. And we didn’t get it to go. We sat on the spinning stools, enjoying our confections, just talking and, even though we didn’t know it at the time, making memories, very special memories.

The soda fountains have been gone for decades now and Morganfield is very different than the Morganfield of our youth. But, about eight years ago, Jerry and I started talking about doing something with the building we own in town. We didn’t want to have just another empty building in another rural town going nowhere. We wanted our building to be useful. We wanted our town to be vibrant and to have a heartbeat again. And the idea was born to open a general store for our local community as well as for those far away. It would be a place where visitors could make special memories of their own.

It has taken some time since those first conversations began and much growth has occurred in Morganfield. Small business owners are giving people a reason to visit our town. The heartbeat can be felt again and the timing couldn’t be more perfect for Jen’s General Store. Here’s where you come in (literally). 😊 We invite you to embark on this journey with us. The store will evolve as we learn and grow with it. This is a completely new venture for us but our main focus will be you! We will strive to ensure your experience is one that will bring you back many times.

Come join us for an old-fashioned malt or mlkshake, a lemon-on-ice or an orange-ade. As we grow, we’ll add workshops to teach you a new skill or to highlight one of our vendor’s handmade creations.

We will look forward to meeting you and, as our tagline reads, sharing the past with the future.
